303 E. Frank Ave

Lufkin, TX, 75901


Phone  936-632-4931

Text  936-209-1376


Hours Tuesday-Friday,10AM-5:30PM, contact us for special events and weekend scheduling

Laser Hair Removal FAQ

How does laser hair removal work?
Laser Hair Removal is a fast and gentle way to remove unwanted hair, with great results. The laser applies precisely controlled pulses of energy, reaching into the hair follicles that lie beneath the skin. The energy heats the hair, right down to the bottom of the root, destroying it without damaging surrounding tissue or skin.

Is laser hair removal painful?
Each pulse from the laser produces a slight tingling feeling. In particularly sensitive areas, such as the upper lip, it may feel like a quick, light pinch. The duration of each pulse is very short, in the micro-second range. The Emvera Diolux laser tip is cooled to reduce the tingling effect.

What areas can be treated?
Laser Hair Removal can be done on almost any body part. Common areas include the face and neck, arms, underarms, back, chest, legs, bikini area, hands and feet. The laser is most effective when treating dark hair on light skin.  It does NOT work on blonde, red, or grey hair.

How many treatments will I require?
Hair can be in one of three stages. One of the stages is called the ‘Active’ (Anagen) stage. At any given time, 15% to 20% of your hair will be in the Active stage. During a treatment, only the Active stage hair will be treated by the laser. This is why between 5 & 7 treatments are needed at regular intervals to cover most of the hair for the body part being treated. Some clients may need additional treatments to complete the procedure.

How many weeks should I wait between treatments?
Treatments can be anywhere from 6 to 8 weeks apart depending on the area being treated.

How can I prepare for my treatments?
Stay out of the sun or tanning beds or tanning lotions for at least 2 weeks before the treatment. Shave the area to be treated within 24 hours before your treatment. Do not wax, tweeze, or use any creams to remove the hair before the treatment. Please review the pre and post treatment instructions (link) in detail prior to your treatment.

How long does it take to see results?
Within two weeks post treatment, the hair that is still in the “dead” follicle goes through a phase called shedding. This process is very gradual and usually goes unnoticed. You can shave the area everyday starting the day after treatment to avoid the hair being visible. The next batch of hair will then appear as they get into the active stage. As you progress through your treatments, you will see less and less hair re-growing.